AICE Media Studies Filming Blog

                                               AICE Media Studies Filming Blog

On Thursday the 30th, I started filming.Since it was just me it was more convenient since I can go whenever I have free time instead of needing multiple people in a group to be free.As the sole person working on it I had costumes to represent certain characters.I tried to talk very loud so my voice does not come out bad.I tried to pick a place outside that was not too busy but there was a lot of cars so I had to improvise and pick a different place.The passing cars and airplanes by the park were pretty annoying so I had to improvise and film somewhere else.There were times where my performance felt lackluster and I also felt my style of clothing could have been a lot more casual to fit certain scenes.I tried to film in the morning so the sun could be out cause I felt it was more appropriate especially since in one of the scenes I needed a hangout spot. Moving the camera was very weird until I thought to just place it down and record. It was a little worrying because my phone could have fallen and I would lose the footage but it worked out. It felt weird talking to nobody but that will be fixed later so I did not think about it too much.I feel like I could have done better even with the constant takes I still did not find one I was very confident with. I feel like I might have to do even more takes so it can be as great as I imagined it to be. Maybe if I was in the park like I intended to it would give the feeling I was hoping for. My main prop was a mask but I did use papers for labels if I really needed to make sure a character stood out. Some parts needed to be cleaned but a paper towel and some water worked nicely for any parts that looked dirty. The process was very time consuming and my constant mistakes in voice lines did not help either. My family did need me for things so that did not help either. The weather also changed quite a bit like when it started drizzling out of nowhere.Things may not have gone my way but I did get some progress in even if it was not much. Overall while I feel that I definitely could have done better it was not a bad experience and it has shown me that it is not as easy as I thought it would be.


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