Production Blog(Music Video) AICE Media Studies

 On Monday, the 29th I started filming by myself. I am a very terrible dancer  so it took me awhile to get the spin and steps properly done. As the sole member, I brought all the costumes, and props for the filming. I had to change clothes for the certain scenes while it was a little inconvenient to change clothes in the middle of the scene it worked out in the end. I made sure to get the specific the angles that was reminiscent of the music video. There was a bit of background noise due to family which bothered me and I had to redo a bunch of scenes. However in the end I was able to get the scene as best as I could. I continued to film scenes 1 and 7 over and over again because they proved to be the most challenging. Scene 8 also needed some major effort put into it. It was not a very difficult scene however it would be the scene that best demonstrates my representation so I needed it to be amazing. I placed the cups on the table to represent a gathering .I also noticed during my recording that certain bits of it lacked emotion and feeling in my singing. The entrance also needed to be changed as I did not like how lifeless it seemed. I used my phone while placed on a stand to record my scenes. I set up the placement of the table to be close to the door so when I needed to film the exit scene it was quick and easy. Some areas in the house needed to be cleaned desperately but I think the messy environment actually benefited me as it helped with my representation. While I did use a messy environment I did make sure the areas that were being filmed on did have everything set up properly . The entire process took a long time for the filming but there still is a lot to get done. More filming and fixes will need to take place. I need to make sure that there will be less background noise for my next recorded scenes. I will also try my hardest to show more feeling in my scenes.


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