On Wednesday, the 8th I started re filming everything by myself. I improved on my dancing but in the end I am still a very terrible dancer. However I was able to do the spins and steps better. As the sole member, I brought all the costumes, and props for the filming however that is one thing that did not change from last time. I still had to change clothes for the certain scenes and while it was still a inconvenient to change clothes in the middle of the scene it worked out somewhat well in the end. I made sure to get the specific the angles that was reminiscent of the music video except this time with darker lighting. There was even more background noise due to family which caused me to redo a bunch of scenes. However in the end I was able to get a better scene than what I had previously. I continued to film scenes over and over again. However scenes 1 and 7 were much easier to do now. Scene 8 still needed some major effort put into it. It was not a very difficult scene how...