Genre Research: Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War is about Thanos who is on a mission to collect all the infinity stones and use them for his twisted motives. With this powerful foe the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet. The fate of reality has never felt so uncertain before
Common camera angles found in the movie are close ups, and wide shots,
Costume: The costumes are usually a superhero uniform and supervillain outfits
Lighting: Some of the lighting in this movie is caused by lens flares they used. Lighting is also found in from sunlight because for most of the movie they are outside.
Acting: The acting is mostly scenes of fighting and planning how they are gonna fight with some small interactions between the characters here and there.
Makeup: Some of the the makeup in this movie was used to make an actor or actresses skin color different such as Zoe Saldana becoming Gamora or making Josh Brolin purple for Thanos.
Props: Props found in this movie are the webs that Spiderman uses, Dr Strange's cloak, Thor's hammer and Axe and Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet .
Setting: For most of the movie, the setting is outside in New York or in outer space.
Common sounds: There is non-diegetic music that fits different scenes perfectly such as having a light hearted theme when Spider-Man appears but then switching back to a brass theme and then into a very emotional theme for Thanos's sacrifice.
Some editing used was for the background of the Titan being mostly CG.
movie: The plot is very dark and full of suspense. The action scenes were amazing and the emotional scenes hit the audience hard.
The elements I like in this movie is the shock you get when you get to the end. The result was so unexpected as you think most superhero movies follow a certain pattern but this one does not follow that pattern. I like these scenes because they cause actual shock to the audience and leaves them questioning everything.
The main element that was not to my liking was certain characters not living up to their expectations or moves that could have been used being wasted. For example, some powerful aliens could not even breathe in space and something as powerful as the time stone being underutilized.
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