Genre Research: Spiderman NWH
Spiderman: No Way Home is about Peter Parker having to deal with his secret identity as the superhero Spiderman revealed to the world. In order to save his friends futures, he asks Dr. Strange to make everyone forget his identity, but things go terribly wrong because now bad guys from different dimensions come to battle Peter. Now Peter has to risk everything he has in order to send them back to where they belong.
Common camera angles found in the movie are close up, medium long shots and, wide shots.
Costume: The costumes are usually a superhero outfit and supervillain outfit that represent their powers in some way and their personalities.
Lighting: The lighting in this movie comes from the sun most of the time since the setting is usually outside at daytime.
Acting: The acting is mostly scenes of the characters getting into a conversation with one another, but many of the action scenes have stunts in them.
Makeup: The makeup was age effecting makeup, It was used to make the actors look younger than they actually are.
Props: Props found in this movie are the weapons used by Spiderman and the villains such as webs.
Setting: For a huge chunk of the movie, the setting is outside at daytime.
Common Editing: There is a lot of CGI used in action scenes.
Common sounds: There is non-diegetic sounds that fit almost every scene perfectly and conveys what emotion you are supposed to feel.
The plot is very dark. The action scenes excite the audience and keep them wanting more and has them on the edge of their seats.
The elements I like in this movie is the feeling of hope they give when trying to fix the villains. I like these scenes because they make me feel sympathy for the villains when I never thought I could.
The main element that I did not like was how many villains there were. In the movie, one villain in particular stood out while the rest aren't as great and feel far less fleshed out.
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