Planning Blog: Script

 Scene 1

-Diegetic sound: Bell ring

Teacher: "Alright that concludes our lesson for today I hope you have a great weekend"

Student: "Have a great weekend"

Scene 2

-Diegetic sound: Phone ringtone

Mom: Hey sweetie! Are you on your way

Student: Yes, mama I am on my way

Mom: Alright I will be waiting, I lov-

Student: Mom???? 

-Non-Diegetic sound: Dramatic music

-Diegetic sound: Running footsteps

Scene 3

-Diegetic sound: opening door

-Diegetic sound: Creaking door

Scene 4

Student: MOM?? ARE YOU OK????

Lighting: Darkening till a completely black screen

Lighting: Slowly brightening

Student: *Face of despair*

-Diegetic sound: Screaming

-Diegetic sound: Crying

Lighting: slowly darkens until a completely black screen


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